Woke up in the early morning , time for school.
Every school day I usually get a slice of bread and run to the bus station,
Haha,Yes.That's what I usually do.
So I have my breakfast at 7:26 am
I usually try to drink a lot of water,so I bought a huge bottle of water,
sometimes I drinks green tea,it depends on my mood=)
This is the only type of bread I will eat.Why?Look at the ingredients.
Frist,wholemeal bread is always good for you.As we all know wholemeal ,wholewheat bread is much better than white bread.Wholewheat ,wholemeal bread have high of dietary fiber ,
dieting people should always eat high dietary fiber and high protein foods,so there it is.
I try to find a less sodium one cos I still found that this product have contain a little bit high sodium that I don't expect it have that much.But is fine.Just fine. =(
According to wikipedia:
Benefits of a high-fiber diet
A high-fiber diet has many benefits, which include:
- Normalizes bowel movements. Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may also help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool.
- Helps maintain bowel health. A high-fiber diet may lower your risk of developing hemorrhoids and small pouches in your colon (diverticular disease). Some fiber is fermented in the colon. Researchers are looking at how this may play a role in preventing diseases of the colon.
- Lowers cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or "bad," cholesterol levels. Studies also have shown that fiber may have other heart-health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure and inflammation.
- Helps control blood sugar levels. In people with diabetes, fiber — particularly soluble fiber — can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels. A healthy diet that includes insoluble fiber may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
- Aids in achieving healthy weight. High-fiber foods generally require more chewing time, which gives your body time to register when you're no longer hungry, so you're less likely to overeat. Also, a high-fiber diet tends to make a meal feel larger and linger longer, so you stay full for a greater amount of time. And high-fiber diets also tend to be less "energy dense," which means they have fewer calories for the same volume of food.
Protein is described as essential by advocates of the high-protein diet, which includes a large proportion of the
bodybuilding community; it is claimed to provide the muscle with
amino acids required to repair the damage done by
anaerobic exercise. Some consume
Protein supplements after bodybuilding workouts, as they provide a quick and easily consumable protein source. Alternatively, meat, beans, or other high-protein foods are consumed.
It is worth noting that it is possible to maintain a strict
vegan high-protein diet, though due to the lower nutrient density of plant-based foods this requires a larger absolute volume of food compared to a non-vegan diet; simply put, vegans must consume a lot more food to get a lot of protein.
Although some testing shows that the body will absorb and use a greater amount of protein after "bodybuilding" type exercises than under more sedentary circumstances,and some studies on weight training show clinically significant gains in muscle with a very high protein diet when compared to more moderate intake, in some studies increased protein intake fails to translate into functional differences in strength or muscle size.However, consistently consuming less protein than an individual's body requires (estimated as 0.7g/kg/day for a sedentary individual) causes loss of existing lean body mass, even with an excessively caloric diet.
is often recommended by bodybuilders and nutritionists to help efforts to build muscle and lose fat. It should not be confused withlow-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet, which are not calorie-controlled and which often contain large amounts of fat.
While adequate protein is required for building skeletal muscle and other tissues, there is ongoing debate regarding the use and necessity of high-protein diets in anaerobic exercise in particular weight training and bodybuilding.
So this product have high protein high fiber and !!!No sugar!!!
(you can still see it have 1.4g of sugar in this product but is from the natural ingredients,they have no extra sugar added in ,so this is one of the reason I feel great about this product.Now, go and look at your white bread ingredients and see what it have.The very first time knew how bad is those white bread,I almost cry,cos I can't believe I ate those unhealthy things for a long long time.)
**You don't have to buy the exactly same thing of what I eat, just want to share how to choose a better food,you might find a better brand of bread than mine in your states. =)
Also sometimes we thought carbs will make us fat.But carbs is one of the ingredients makes you feel full.It helps you eat less ,the fat will prevent you fell hungry immediately.So it kind of helps you eat less.
For example, sometimes is better that you ate a slice of bread rather than you ate 3 apples if you feel hungry , while you are dieting or in your main meal.Why? After you ate bread you won't feel hungry easily,cos it has more carbs and kcal to makes you feel full and it will last long.But apples, it have less carbs which means you have to eat more till you feel full and you might get hungry easily cos it still has less carbs than bread to let your body absorb, ingest and digest.If your body digested all the carbs /kcal,you will feel hungry. (I hope it is an good example ,haha)
So why not just eat a slice of bread only?Is like math,but is true.
If you afraid that you will feel really really bad after you ate bread cos you think is fat.Then why dont you eat it plain with NO butter added in or peanut butter or !!!Nutella!!! ?????
I will talk about chocolate ,sugar,ice cream,chips etc. next time.There's SOOOO MUCH things I have to tell you.
After school , lunch time , 1:30pm :
I feel that my period is coming , so I'm not feeling good and felt really really tired ,so I only ate a slice of bread, an egg , a handful of almonds and a huge cup of WATER.Always drink water!!!
I usually boil 2-3 eggs and keep them in the fridge whenever I feel like I needs something to snack on ,eggs might be my choose.
*Egg have protein, protein helps burns out calories And keeps your beautiful skin=)*
(That's why I choose to eat it.)
I know , I know ,I shouldn't eat eggs that much but firstly,I'm not always egg the egg yolks ,so is fine.
If you don't feel like you need to eat,eat some nuts and fruits or somethings really healthy.=)
So here is how I choose my almonds.
It have only 1mg sodium(usually you can find sodium in salt*) , high protein ,high fiber and high kcal!!
OMG!!!!! HIGH KCAL!!!!This is HIgh High High High KCAL!!!!
Yes! it is.But those kcal is natural fat. Just like olive oil, people still eat olive oil while they are dieting ,is natural fat.Is all natural!!
And fat have 49.4/100g in this package.Those natural fat helps you feel full and not get hungry easily.
Incase you don't believe me~
According to http://www.buzzle.com/articles/almond-diet.html :
Nuts like almonds, peanuts, pistachios and walnuts had been shunned earlier by dieters, thinking that they contain too many calories which would lead to weight gain. But research has shown that consuming controlled amount of nuts can, in fact, help in weight loss besides providing numerous health benefits. This is in fact the principle of the almond diet. Many people have the false notion that the almond diet consists of eating almonds exclusively all through the day without any solid food. But this diet is actually a very healthy diet, where you have a low carbohydrate diet which is supplemented with almonds. Almonds have many health benefits and it contains many essential nutrients. Most importantly, it contains a high amount of fibers which fills you up and helps in reducing craving for food.
Almond Diet Benefits:
One of the main reasons that people are not able to stick to a diet is because most of them are too restrictive and do not have a proper plan as to what to eat for snacks. Most diet plans have detailed plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But they are a bit vague about snacks. Snacks are an important component of a healthy diet and it is a meal where most people slip up and make bad choices. In an almond diet, you can eat a handful of almonds as snacks. Eating almonds is one of the healthiest snack options since it satiates your hunger and it does not contain too many calories. You can also incorporate almonds in your diet by adding flaked almonds to your morning cereals or muesli, in homemade granola bars and to salads and stews. It not only provides you with high dosages of antioxidants and vitamin E, but also gives your food better flavor and texture.
Snack time and "Dinner", 3:30pm :
I ate another handful of almonds , an egg and some water then I passed out on my bed ,as I have said I felt really tired today.
So I didn't have my dinner, I don't think I need to eat ,I woke up at 8:30pm then I drinks some water , take a shower ,update my blog then I decided to get back to sleep.
Night night XX